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Tibet Tech Solutions Welcomes You

From making strategic decisions to developing your capabilities, I’m here to help. Using my expertise and deep understanding of the industry, you’ll receive tailor-made solutions and experience true results. Get in touch to book a free investigation meeting.

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Murat Kani TIBET 

P.Eng. (Professional Engineer)

EUR ING (Professional Engineer registered in the EU)

Accomplished and integrity-driven P.Eng. (reg.100572256) I EUR ING (reg.34523) - professional offering 30 years of business experience on national and international levels in the white goods industry/retail/consulting. Extensive experience in Europe, The Middle East & Asia. Travelled to more than 15 countries to conduct business.

Deep knowledge about production methods, machinery, assembly lines, automatization, and quality specifications. Demonstrate a passion for mentoring his expertise to the industry and providing solutions to clients' specific needs.

Led various R&D, Outsourcing, Industrial Design, Product Management, and Production Lines Conversion projects with cross-functional teams and performed corporate transformations in Supply Chain, Strategic Planning & Innovation.


*) EUR ING: An international professional qualification and title for highly qualified engineers used in over 32 European countries

Clients & Partners

Greencooler, expert for commercial cooling
Vals, small appliance manufacturer
Pacific Access, Far East sourcing partner
MDP, SAP partner
Stimulo, Industrial Design partner
Kafein, IT partner
Odul, appliance manufacturer
Anova, defence industry partner
Tacer, expert for suspended ceilings
UoT Formula Racing Team
Designum, Industrial Design partner

We worked together at a new small domestic appliances family. His vision, practical intelligence, decisions with critical foresight, was an amazing experience for me as a designer. He was a manager, made me believe, a product manager can understand and satisfy a designer.

M Oney

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